Sunday 2 March 2014

USA wants to send international forces to Ukraine

02.03.2014 | Source: Pravda.Ru

U.S. Ambassador to the UN Security Council, Samantha Power, in her speech at a meeting convened at the request of Kiev, offered to immediately send international observers into the country. Representatives of 15 countries took part in the closed meeting. Vitaly Churkin represented the Russian Federation.
Power stated that Russia must come into direct contact with the Ukrainian authorities. She also said that one should put an end to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. For this purpose, the U.S. ambassador offers to send international observers from the UN and the OSCE to the troubled country. According to the U.S. official, it will reduce tension.
UK Ambassador Lyall Grant, in turn expressed concerns about the most recent move of the Russian parliament to authorized military action on the territory of Ukraine, and stressed that the United Kingdom supported the current government of Ukraine. The British side also acceded to the request for immediate consultations under the Budapest Treaty between the United States, Britain, Russia and Ukraine.

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